SC Onion, Tarzan & The ER
It's the week before Christmas and Santa gave to me... a double ear infection, sinus infection, and a lung infection- yippee! The timing of it all, not super ideal, Santa. Also, I asked for a pony, an all expense paid pony!
Production is wrapping up, orders are coming in, I am needed in almost every direction and to complete almost every task (operations, systems... I know, working on those) and I am being put on stall rest... again. Flu season is upon us all and I have personally been on the front lines since the week before Thanksgiving. I don't recommend being the only employee of a sole proprietorship biz during flu season. Lucky for me, SC is really a family biz, and although Phil isn't much help with customer service, production lines, marketing, social media, design, fit, product development, content creation, or any of my other tasks- he is THE BEST packer and shipper around, and a true self starter at the task. (apologies if any of you receive a curly black hair in your order- I have implemented a man bun and am close to bringing in the hair net for back up)
After spending most of Monday morning in the ER- having trouble breathing, standing, talking, walking and existing- I received about every western medicine you could be prescribed- antibiotic, steroid, inhaler and breathing treatments 3x a day. A pretty steep lineup for a girl who hesitates to take tylenol. Anything to get healthy again, anything, I sigh. It takes so much to keep us horse girls out of the tack, I wake up and work this biz in the wee hours of the morning, head to the barn with a lunch packed, a change of clothes and car shower kit in tow to make my 8am lesson before jumping in the car by 9am to make my first client at 10:30am in LA. I have an hour and a half commute- but it's worth it to live a mile from Kori and close to my husbands' family. Anything posted, DM'd, or email correspondence etc is generally done in the dressing room of a client, on a bathroom break, walking to my car to drive to the next, or voice memo'd on my drive home. Oh, for those of you who don't know- I am fit model in LA for top brands in the industry- basically a human mannequin... but this is a topic for another time. Once home, I sit on the couch with my phone and computer and work a little more before packing up the days orders for Phil to ship out the next day. Everyone always tells me I should skip the ride- I'd have more time- more energy... but that's just it... I am doing this all so that I can ride, that ride is my self care time, it is what fuels me and gives me energy... anyone who hasn't experienced the euphoria from a good ride just doesn't get it.
It's now Tuesday morning and I am still pretty useless, my brain is still mush, and I decide to post all the DMs that made me smile- it was about all I could come up with- all my ready to post content was posted, I had to cancel my content shoot over the weekend due to said illness(es) BUT I had to stay relevant somehow. You see, I invested every single dollar into a reorder and a new capsule AT THE SAME TIME, when I say I am scared sh*tless, I mean it. You see (again), I have also been at this almost 3 years now and I haven't been able to pay myself a cent. every. single. penny gets reinvested into the business. I am simultaneously working on finishing production and product development at the same time and it is expensive, so expensive. We hired a business mentor for the first time, it was a gift from my dad, a very generous gift that the good lord knew I needed. Teaching yourself how to do it all is so important but I am starting to realize my worth in this biz and where my time and focus needs to be. Anyways, I don't know how I got here, back to the DMs- a response from a story of Phil (Mrs Claus) packing orders... shirtless, "wrong. this is tarzan" I laughed so hard I needed to use my inhaler. And then, a photo from one of our dearest customers and probably one of the reasons SC still exists today in a layered SC look for her clinic on the east coast with Archie Cox titled, "I am like an SC onion. So many layers!" Thankfully my lungs were cleared enough from the previous puff because that one did me in. The messages kept coming and I kept cropping and posting from my stall.
I know I say this a lot- but this business really would not exist without you. The operation is so small, so, so small. The investors nonexistent. It is funded on 25k I saved up from my modeling days. I am not in this for profit, although a paycheck of some sorts would be nice. This business is for you. It is a place for me to bring my knowledge and experience in the fashion world to provide you with quality products that aren't marked up 3,4,5+ times. It is my hope of staying apart of the horse world forever- through motherhood and all of life's seasons. It is a community and safe place for those of us who work tirelessly to sit on a horses back and boop that soft nose. The gritty, full of grace, horse girl who wasn't given anything but made her own way to see her dreams through. SC just simply couldn't exist without you.
Thank you for shopping SC Prep even though most of it won't arrive under the tree in time, the reorder (Sc Core) that took a million years to finish and probably what caused all this illness from all the stress (they say stress is a killer and I am regretfully starting to understand this firsthand), and any of our past permanently discounted items (Shop Sale). Every. single. order. matters right now and Tarzan and Jane (I am just going to roll with this one) quite literally swing from the rafters, wipe tears of joy from each others faces, and are filled with so much hope and joy when each order comes in.
All in stock orders will continue shipping same day and SC Prep is tracking to ship December 27th
I wish you all a happy and HEALTHY holiday with family and your four-legged family members
From stall rest with LOVE,
Megs, Tarzan and Kori
PS I hope this one makes sense...